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"Best decision I've made yet."

Upgrade Your WordPress Hosting

GridPane helps serious WordPress agencies and eCommerce brands solve their hosting problems.

We host 120,000+ WordPress websites, including some of the most demanding WordPress sites in the world.

Why Choose GridPane?

Your hosting shouldn’t hold your business back—it should propel you forward. We believe hosting should empower growth, not saddle you with arbitrary restrictions or hidden fees. That’s why we’ve helped thousands of websites migrate away from traditional WordPress hosts to solutions that save money, supercharge performance, enhance security, and backed by a support team that solves problems instead of selling upgrades.

Whether you’re running a giant WooCommerce store, offering hosting as a WordPress agency/developer/designer, or your simply seeking a reliable hosting partner for your business, we can help.

The Problem

Traditional Managed Hosting Is An Expensive, Restrictive Black Box

At almost every managed WordPress host your resources are restricted and hidden from you, the servers you share are oversold, and the answer to every performance question is to upgrade your plan. 

Everything is hidden – specs, resources, logs, how many sites you’re sharing a server with… etc.

Economies of scale almost all go to the hosting company, not you.

Addons like Object Caching, backups, page views, etc, are obscenely overpriced.

There is a better way.


Refreshingly Transparent WordPress Hosting

There is no black box at GridPane. We offer you full, unrestricted access to your logs, transparent server specs, and place no arbiratary restrictions like page view limitations.

Bespoke WordPress Hosting

We offer WordPress hosting plans that are purpose-built for high-priority websites. If your website demands speed during high-concurrency traffic, comprehensive security, and peace of mind, we can create a 100% bespoke plan for you.

Self-Managed WordPress Made Easy

We help WordPress agencies, developers, and designers grow their recurring revenue, and build their own hosting and care plan services. All the heavy lifting is done for you, and hosting on your own servers has never been easier. 

Not sure which plan is right for you? Schedule a free call with our team and we'll help you get started.

News & Case Studies

PanelPress Update & New GridPane UI First Look

WooCommerce Hosting: Lessons from a $650,000 3-day book launch

Security Case Study: Securing 2 Banking Websites Built on WordPress