Useful WP-CLI Commands for Managing WordPress Websites

11 min read


WP-CLI is the command line interface for WordPress and is a fantastic tool for helping to manage the websites that you host.

As implied, this is a tool that you use from the terminal, so you will need to connect to your servers in order to use it. This article assumes that you’re already  familiar with how to connect to your server to run a WP-CLI command, but if you need a getting started guide, we have this handy article on two different ways to use WP-CLI on your GridPane servers:

How to Use GP WP-CLI and Regular WP-CLI on GridPane Servers

Along with each command, there’s also a link to the official documentation for easy reference. Let’s get started!


In the commands below we use the placeholder "site.url". Be sure to replace this with your target website URL, for example:

WP Core

Check WordPress Core Integrity

You can use the verify-checksums command to check that your website core files aren’t missing, corrupted, or customized in some way by a previous host or developer. An edited or missing or misplaced file can cause 500 errors.

This will check your core WordPress installation files and let you know if any issues need to be addressed. If there are, see this command.


gp wp site.url core verify-checksums

For example:

gp wp core verify-checksums


wp core verify-checksums

Reinstall WordPress Core

If ever required, you can reinstall WordPress core using WP-CLI. The following command will download the most recent WordPress core without the default themes and plugins (and it won’t overwrite or remove existing themes or plugins.

The [--skip-content] downloads WordPress without the default themes and plugins, and [--force] overwrites existing core files, if they exist.


gp wp site.url core download --skip-content --force


wp core download --skip-content --force

WP Plugins

List Your Plugins

If you ever need to quickly view a list of installed plugins for a specific website, this command can be extremely handy. We ourselves use it regularly when reviewing websites for our 360 support service.


gp wp site.url plugin list


wp plugin list

Additional Flags

If you want to see only a list of all active plugins which have updates available, you can use the following GP WP-CLI:

gp wp site.url plugin list --field=name --status=active --update=available

Or regular WP-CLI:

wp plugin list --field=name --status=active --update=available

WP DB (Database)


Before running any commands that make changes to your WordPress database, please be sure that you take a backup beforehand. This can be done by exporting your database using the WP-CLI below or through the GridPane backups system. Testing on staging first is also a good idea and recommended.

Export a WordPress Database

Being able to quickly export/create a manual backup of a WordPress database can come in handy when you’re about to perform any kind of clean up (better tested on staging first) or repair. 


gp wp site.url db export /var/www/site.url/htdocs/name_of_backup.sql --all-tablespaces --add-drop-table


wp db export name_of_backup.sql --all-tablespaces --add-drop-table

You can also check out this article for more database backup options: How to Backup / Export / Import a WordPress Database.

Import a WordPress Database

Importing a backup through WP-CLI is extremely useful when migrating websites manually or importing a manual backup.


gp wp site.url db import /var/www/site.url/htdocs/name_of_backup.sql


wp db import name_of_backup.sql

Check the Health of a WordPress Database

If you’re seeing performance issues or database errors, then checking your database for corrupted data is a necessary troubleshooting check. You can check the health of a website’s database as follows:


gp wp site.url db check


wp db check

If you see any issues, see the repair commands below.

Repair a WordPress Database

If necessary, you can use this command to repair a corrupted database. Always back up your database before performing work on it


gp wp site.url db repair


wp db repair

Optimize Your Database

This WP-CLI command can optimize your WordPress tables for better efficiency. 


gp wp site.url db optimize


wp db optimize

WP Search-Replace

Search and Replace in a WordPress Database

Test With a Dry Run Using GP WP-CLI

Before running your search and replace, we recommend doing a dry run first. You can do this with:

gp wp site.url  search-replace '{old URL}' '{new URL}' --dry-run --skip-columns=guid

For example:

gp wp site.url search-replace '' '' --dry-run --skip-columns=guid

WP-CLI Example: 

wp search-replace '' '' --dry-run --skip-columns=guid

You will be shown a table detailing the replacements that would be made:

Followed by a notice will the total number of replacements: Success: 'X' replacements to be made.

Search and Replace with GP WP-CLI

We can now run our search and replace as follows:

gp wp site.url search-replace '{old URL}' '{new URL}' --precise --recurse-objects --all-tables

For example:

gp wp site.url search-replace '' '' --precise --recurse-objects --all-tables

WP-CLI Example

wp search-replace '' '' --precise --recurse-objects --all-tables


List the Users of a Website

If you’d like to display a list of users for a specific website, you can easily do so with WP-CLI. You can also specify users by role type.


gp wp site.url user list 
gp wp site.url user list wp user list --role=administrator


wp user list
wp user list --role=administrator

The default role types are:

  • administrator
  • editor
  • author
  • contributor
  • subscriber

The list displayed will include a corresponding user ID at the very beginning. This is necessary for some of the commands detailed below. Here’s an example: 

| ID | user_login | display_name | user_email | user_registered | roles |
| 1 | my-user | My Name | [email protected] | 2023-02-06 08:45:07 | administrator |

Create a New WordPress User

When you don’t have admin access to a website, the easiest way to create a new user is through WP-CLI – far easier than manually adding one through PHPMyAdmin. Below is how to create a new administrator account, but you can switch out administrator for any role type, and of course, be sure to switch out the username and email address.

GP WP-CLI Example

gp wp site.url user create username [email protected] --role=administrator 

WP-CLI Example

wp user create username [email protected] --role=administrator 

Reset the Password For a WordPress User

As with the command above, if you don’t have access to a website then WP-CLI is an easy way to reset the password for a user.

Before you begin you’ll need the WordPress users ID – see how to display a list of users here. The number at the end is the user ID, and this command will send a password reset email.


gp wp site.url user reset-password 1


wp user reset-password 1

Alternative Reset

The commands below allow you to update a user and specify the exact password:

gp wp site.url user update 1 --user_pass=pO11HDehwfn6v63I6qwdYvdHj
wp user update 1 --user_pass=pO11HDehwfn6v63I6qwdYvdHj

Change the Admin Email Address for a WordPress User

Without admin access, changing an admin email address is easiest done via WP-CLI. Before you begin, you’ll need the WordPress users ID – see how to display a list of users here.

Replace the email address in the commands below with the new user’s email address.


gp wp site.url user update 1 --user_email=[email protected]


wp user update 1 --user_email=[email protected]

You can confirm your change was successful with the wp user list command.

Modify a WordPress User Role

Without admin access, changing a WordPress user’s role is easiest done via WP-CLI. Before you begin, you’ll need the WordPress users ID – see how to display a list of users here.

In the following example, it sets the role as administrator, but be sure to set the correct role for your use case.


gp wp site.url user set-role 1 administrator


wp user set-role 1 administrator

You can confirm your change was successful with the wp user list command.

WP Site

Remove Website Content

This handy WP-CLI command can be used to completely remove ALL content from a website. 

One use case for this is installing demo content from a theme to speed up your workflow. Typically those processes add a bunch of content that’s not needed, including published pages, posts, comments, etc. This command can remove all of this without touching any of your settings.


gp wp site.url site empty


wp site empty

Bonus: Remove Website Uploads

As with the above use case, you can also use the following flag to remove all contents from your uploads folder:

gp wp site.url site empty --uploads


wp site empty --uploads

WP Post

Generate Dummy Content for Testing

If you’re a developer in need of content for testing purposes, this CLI could come in very handy. The command creates 20 empty posts, but you can create significantly more if needed.

In my testing, generating 200 posts with lorum ipsum content took 3 seconds.


gp wp site.url post generate --count=20


wp post generate --count=20

Add Some Ipsum…

The above generates empty posts, but if you’d like to add some text to these, you can do so following these pirate ipsum examples – GP WP-CLI:

echo -e "Pink broadside jack cable fore Pirate Round reef scourge of the seven seas me Corsair. Keelhaul killick swab reef heave down avast topmast Buccaneer fore rutters. Salmagundi fathom come about overhaul run a shot across the bow dance the hempen jig snow yard Nelsons folly six pounders.\n\nGrapple aft brig pressgang jolly boat pink swing the lead tender mizzen rutters. Barkadeer rope's end scuttle parrel boatswain Blimey starboard bilge Brethren of the Coast scourge of the seven seas. Nipper scurvy grog belay Chain Shot hornswaggle stern chase dance the hempen jig Buccaneer." | gp wp site.url post generate --count=20 --post_content


echo -e "Pink broadside jack cable fore Pirate Round reef scourge of the seven seas me Corsair. Keelhaul killick swab reef heave down avast topmast Buccaneer fore rutters. Salmagundi fathom come about overhaul run a shot across the bow dance the hempen jig snow yard Nelsons folly six pounders.\n\nGrapple aft brig pressgang jolly boat pink swing the lead tender mizzen rutters. Barkadeer rope's end scuttle parrel boatswain Blimey starboard bilge Brethren of the Coast scourge of the seven seas. Nipper scurvy grog belay Chain Shot hornswaggle stern chase dance the hempen jig Buccaneer." | wp post generate --post_content --count=20

Some lorum ipsum generators, such as Bacon Ipsum (WP-CLI tutorial), have an API that allows you to generate paragraphs of text, which, in theory, could be used via curl. In my testing, I ran into an error that prevented the regular method from working, but you can learn more details here and in the link above.

Magic Login Link

Help Commands

WP-CLI Help Command

WP-CLI has its own built-in help reference that you can use to learn more about a specific WP-CLI command and its available functions. This includes a synopsis, parameters, available fields, options, and some examples.

The standard help command syntax is as follows:

wp help {wp-cli-command}

GP WP-CLI Example

gp wp site.url help plugin list

WP-CLI Example

wp help plugin list

More CLI!

Further Reading

If you would like to learn more about WP-CLI and the other available core commands, you can view the official full documentation at
WordPress Developer Tools: WP-CLI

Many plugins also have their own WP-CLI that can also be used the same way. This can usually be found in their own documentation if available.

For other useful commands, these articles may also be of interest: 

  1. Useful Commands for Managing GridPane Servers
  2. How to Reset WordPress User Roles with GP WP-CLI
  3. How to Migrate a WordPress Website with WP-CLI and rsync
  4. How to Search and Replace in a WordPress Database