Custom Permissions Filter: How to Preserve User-Defined Custom File Permissions

1 min read

GridPane has a worker function that will automatically reset your WordPress website file permissions. However, there may be instances where you need a specific file’s permissions to be set differently, and for this you can use our custom permissions filter to exclude them from being overwritten.

Using the Custom Permissions Filter

Step 1. Connect to your Server

To get started, first connect to your server. If this is your first time connecting to a GridPane server, please see the following articles to get started:

Step 2. Set Your Custom Owner/Permissions

Set your permissions with:

chmod permissions your-file-name

To learn more about managing permissions, this article offers a great, in-depth rundown with examples:

Step 3. Create the custom.perms file

The custom permissions filter uses a file called custom.perms. This needs to be added to the website’s main directory: /var/www/site.url. Create the file with the following command (replacing site.url for your website’s URL):

nano /var/www/site.url/custom.perms

Inside that file add the absolute file path to any directories or files that have custom perms that you want to maintain, these file paths should be delimited with a colon : at either end, one per line. For example:


The worker that ensures that all site directories and files have WordPress perms will ignore any file path included in that file.

Save the file with CTRL+O followed by Enter. Exit nano with CTRL+X.

And that’s it! You’re all set.