Host Even the Most Demanding WordPress Websites With Ease
GridPane offers you the opportunity to achieve faster load times than any host you’ve ever tried, without the monstrous markup many hosts add to server hardware.
Top Tier Enterprise Performance
GridPane offers exceptional performance, and we have the independent benchmarks to back this up. We’ve competed in the enterprise tier in the most rigorous independent WordPress hosting benchmarks and walked away with top-tier honors. And not only that, one of our clients entered these same benchmarks using GridPane and kicked even more ass, earning top-tier honors for their own company.
The truth is though, if your websites are well built and you don’t get a lot of traffic, you can get good “performance” at many managed WordPress hosts. What you can’t get (at least not without paying through the nose), is scalability and capability.
WordPress Performance
Many of our clients are amazed at just how incredibly fast their previously frustratingly slow WordPress dashboard has now become. And those busy periods where their important sites used to just seize up and become almost unreachable? Those days are over.
By combining excellent, modern hardware (fast servers) with a modern, WordPress-specific hosting stack (our software), exceptional WordPress performance is the default here at GridPane. This means fast server-response times, low TTFB, and fast browser rendering for super-fast page loads.
Optimized Stack
Nginx/OpenLiteSpeed, PHP, and MySQL are all configured with ideal defaults for almost all WordPress websites out of the box. You’ll have full control to tweak your PHP INI, PHP worker, and MySQL settings if ever needed.
High Performance Nginx
Our Nginx stack is extremely performant, offers two page caching mechanisms, and is highly customizable.
Tuned OpenLiteSpeed
If you’re transitioning from Apache servers, OpenLiteSpeed will be familiar in function but with dramatic performance benefits.
*Panel plan and above only.
Optimized MySQL
GridPane offers two highly-performant database options: MariaDB and Percona. Both are tuned for great performance by default.
Page Caching
Both our stacks offer high-performance server level page caching. Once a page is loaded your server creates a static version of it, which can then be loaded much faster the next time someone visits that page. No PHP or database requests required.
Redis Object Caching
Cache your database for ultra-fast dynamic page loading and server resource preservation. This is extremely powerful or WooCommerce, LMS sites, BuddyBoss, and more.
Browser Caching
Take advantage of browser caching with our properly configured caching headers and have your visitors browsers store static files like CSS, JS, fonts, images, etc, so new page loads are near instant.
Host on High-Performance Servers Wherever You Need them
Use the best hardware available right next door to your website’s visitors.
Host on High-Performance Servers Wherever You Need them
Use the best hardware available right next door to your website’s visitors.

High-Performance Servers
You may have heard about Google “C2” instances from providers like WP Engine and Kinsta. Sure, these are great, and have 3.8 Ghz CPUs. If you have an enterprise website running WooCommerce, BuddyBoss, or an LMS, you could run dedicated servers with 5.2 Ghz CPUs and high-performance RAM and absolutely crush their performance.
Choose Servers Anywhere in the World
One of the easiest ways to speed up your WordPress website is to simply host it closer to your visitors. If you're hosting local businesses, there’s probably a data center in the same city or one close by. With GridPane, you can choose servers from any reputable server provider, anywhere in the world.
Scalability: Performance When it Matters the Most
The true measure of performance is not simply page speed but how fast pages can be served at a time. Serving thousands of visitors all visiting your website at the same time requires a high-performance hosting stack and optimized caching wherever possible. Why spend thousands of dollars on a few hundred dollar servers simply because the hosting provider says it’s “managed”?
Cached and Optimized Websites
Serve MASSIVE on a fully cached website but utilising our high-performance caching and serve 100s of page loads per second on high-traffic blogs and news websites.
Scale Dynamic WordPress Websites
There are only a handful of companies that have the capability to truly scale WordPress to serve enormous amounts of dynamic content. GridPane drops this capability in your lap with our standard plans, or we can just manage it all for you.