We take security seriously.

If you believe you’ve discovered a security vulnerability in our platform, software, or services, please report it directly to us. 

How to Disclose a Security Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability on our platform, please send an email to [email protected] to make your disclosure. Once submitted, a member of our development team will follow up with you regarding the issue shortly.

Does GridPane Have a Bug Bounty Program?

Unfortunately, we have decided to suspend our bug bounty program until further notice. This decision was driven by the volume of repetitive reports, most of which did not identify actual security vulnerabilities. The majority of submissions were generated by automated tools, which violated the program’s guidelines and consistently reported the same non-issues.

We’re a small team, not a huge enterprise, and we can no longer commit time to responding to such reports. If you have found a genuine issue that affects the security of our users, you may be eligible for a reward.