WP Reset is an interesting plugin, but at the time of writing the default options can result in massive, bloated databases if left unchecked.
The developer/s at WP Reset are apparently aware of this (though I should add the caveat that this is second hand knowledge), and this apparently will be addressed in the near future.
However, this is something we have seen on support several times recently, and can quickly become problematic both in terms of the site growing in size significantly, and then the server backups also backing up the excess bloat, resulting in excessive disk space use and the backup storage thresholds quickly becoming full.
Configuring Snapshots
Full documentation on configuring snapshots for WP Reset can be found here:
We highly recommend you familiarise yourself with all of the available options to prevent your sites from experiencing excessive database bloating.
Storage Alerts
The following from WP Reset details how to turn on notifications:
How to turn on database storage alert?
- Go to Tools -> WP Reset
- Open the Settings tab
- Scroll all the way down of the “Options” tab
- Select the size of the database which will trigger the alert
- Save changes.
Full documentation and screenshots can be found here: