360 Pricing

Base Pricing

Pricing starts from: $100/month. This is the minimum starter pricing for 360 and includes up to 5 websites and up to 3 different servers.

Additional Site/Server Pricing

Pricing for additional sites and servers are detailed in the screenshots below as you will see them in the GridPane dashboard. Pricing is tiered, and so as you add more sites and more servers, their per unit cost goes down. 

Website Pricing

For websites 6-25, the price is $20/per site, websites 26-50 the price is $15 per site, and so on.

Server Pricing

As servers also have to be onboarded and monitored there is an additional cost for server #4 onwards.  

Pricing Examples


Includes: First 5 websites & first 3 servers

= $100/month

$100: First 5 websites, 3 servers
$300: Websites 6-20
$140: Servers 4-10
$100: Servers 11-20

= $640/month

$100: First 5 websites, 3 servers
$400: Websites 6-25
$375: Websites 26-50
$125: Websites 51-60

= $1000/month

Multisite Pricing

Multisite 360 pricing has multiple tiered rates. These tiers cover one individual network on one server. 
Pricing per network starts at $300 which covers up to 50 subsites. 
All networks require prior approval. Contact us for more details.

Sign Up Today

To get started and enroll a server into 360, click the button below to go to your GridPane account settings page and click “Addons” from the left hand menu.