PeakFreq vs Cloudways

PeakFreq is the high-performance, WordPress-optimized Cloudways alternative that runs on Vultr High-Frequency VPS servers.

The below comparison is for the most popular server size, not the only server size.

Popular VPS Comparison
Monthly Price


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Server ProviderVultrDigitalOcean
CPU FrequencyMax 5.1 GHzMax 3.35 GHz*
CPU Cores 22
Disk Space (Storage)128 GB80 GB
Data Center Locations1212
No Site Limits
24/7 Support
Page CachingHigh Performance NginxConvoluted**
Redis Object CachingObject Cache Pro, but without Relay
Daily Backups
Backup RetentionUp to 1 year1-4 weeks

*This refers to their premium AMD droplets, which consistently outperform the equivalent Intel droplots on independent benchmarks.
**Cloudways use a confusing and less than ideal caching stack for WordPress

Why Choose PeakFreq?

PeakFreq runs on Vultr High-Frequency

PeakFreq offers more data centers (compared to DigitalOcean), faster page load times, and more storage at significantly lower rates than any of their server options. Many businesses used to choose Cloudways so that they could host on Vultr. That option is no longer available for new sign-ups (which is not a promising sign of things to come for existing users).

Company Focus

General Hosting vs WordPress Hosting

PeakFreq is 100% focused on high-performance WordPress hosting. If you’re looking to host a different type of PHP application, Cloudways may be a better fit for you. When it comes to WordPress, though, we’ve spent the past five years perfecting the ideal way to serve WordPress. Our stack is built from the ground up for WordPress. Cloudways run a generic Apache-Nginx hybrid.

Support Comparison

Support and Focus

We’ve had hundreds of business owners migrate their sites from Cloudways to GridPane, with many citing support as a major reason. As a general rule, the opposite scenario is exceptionally rare. Our focus is also entirely on hosting WordPress, whereas Cloudways hosts anything and everything.

Performance When it Counts

Independent Benchmark Comparison

Both GridPane and multiple GridPane users have scored top-tier honors in Kevin Ohashi’s independent WordPress Hosting Benchmarks, and we did so in the most difficult category: Enterprise. Cloudways has not had the same success. View the independent benchmarks here.

This benchmarking is a true, real world indicator of performance when faced with overwhelmingly high traffic demands.

Provider Comparison

WordPress Hosting Done Right

Vultr is a highly sought after infrastructure (server) provider in the WordPress space due to the stellar performance of their hardware. With this no longer being available for new sign-ups at Cloudways, the lower-performing, higher-priced DigitalOcean* servers have left a very big hole in their offering.

*While Cloudways does offer AWS and Google Cloud server options, they make little financial sense compared to their DigitalOcean offering.

Latency Comparison

Data Center Locations

Cloudways offers a total of 33 server locations between their three providers. However, only 12 of these are DigitalOcean, and you will need to pay significantly more to host in a data center that they do not include.

Vultr offers 32 data centers (with many more planned), providing a far more cost-effective way to serve markets all over the world.

Realistic Cloudflare Comparison

Using Cloudflare

Cloudways offer a Cloudflare add-on starting at $4.99 per month. This is via their enterprise account, offering a watered down version of the business plan. If you need guaranteed PCI compliance, it may be a decent offering.

Cloudflare themselves offer an excellent free tier that is more than enough most use cases, and can serve terabytes of traffic globally at zero cost. They also have their excellent APO offering, which is $5/month with similar benefits to Cloudways’ integration, but with full unrestricted access to logging and customizations.

We don’t resell Cloudflare, but it’s an excellent complimentary service to PeakFreq and we highly recommend it.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee better performance for the same money or less - or your money back

The GridPane Core plan is 100% free, and trying PeakFreq is completely risk-free!