Our KB article here will walk you through how to migrate a website over with zero downtime – we highly recommend giving this one a read and it will link to all of our main articles that focus on migration:
How to Migrate to GridPane with Zero Downtime
You can access your websites directly without needing DNS records using a local redirect to access the page. This is a super handy tool for developing and migrating your websites and is probably the easiest way to go about things for your first migration. The KB article below will walk you through how to set this up:
How can I edit my local hosts file to redirect URLs
Many clients and our own team members will the local host file open inside a text editor window so they can just jump right into it whenever needed.
One potential pitfall to be aware of here with this method is that if HTTPS is being forced within the website, it will need an SSL certificate after you’ve migrated it in, but if that’s not the case you should be able to access it without any issues.
Migrations are usually smooth sailing, but should you find any issues (or want to see what some common issues are), we have these thoroughly documented here and most are quick and easy to fix up/avoid:
Diagnosing Migration Issues